6th Ramsgate Royal Harbour Sea Scouts

Stage 5 & 6 – Bye bye weeds, hello shipping container!

Hello all! Given that a little bit has happened since last time, we thought it’d be a good idea to combine Stage 5 & 6 into one blog post, so you can read them both at the same time.

Before we begin, it’s a good idea to have a look back over the other blog posts, so you know what kind of stage we were at with the  Ice House. (If you want the link to the page, you can find it here).

Stage 5 – Bye bye weeds:

Today the weeds from outside the Ice House were trimmed back/removed, allowing for less risk of tripping and making it feel much cleaner and tidier. There were quite a few, and when it came to carrying heavy items to and from the church, there was a chance you could trip, but now that’s no longer an issue!

Stage 6 – The shipping container arrives:

Today, the shipping container arrived. We’ll be using the container for multiple reasons, the main one being that we want somewhere watertight to protect our equipment while we renovate the Ice House.

Potentially, depending on the need, we always have the option of storing kayaks/canoes within it too, to free up space in the boatshed while we work on fixing up other boats (A project that’s been going on for quite some time!).

In the photos below, you’ll see the shipping container being lifted from the delivery vehicle, and onto the road next to the Ice House.