6th Ramsgate Royal Harbour Sea Scouts


Every question is a good question! 
Here we try to answer the most commonly asked questions, but if you can’t see the answer you’re looking for, please get in touch.

What committment are we asking for?

We ask  that on two occasions over a full year, as part of their promise and law all members and volunteers take part in two formal church parades.

The first being St Georges day, Patron Saint of England. All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorer Scouts and Leaders from the district of Thanet attend the parade through Margate ending at the Winter Gardens for the service where we all renew our promise.

The second parade is Remembrance Sunday when we parade through Ramsgate to St George’s church for the service.

How to join?

It’s easy!  Click here to get in touch and a member of our team will contact you.  Alternatively when our meetings are operating, please come down to the section meeting for your young person’s age group and talk to a leader. Join now.

How much does it cost?

The first 2 weeks are free.  After that, it’s £15 per month, payable by standing order or bank transfer.  Any camps are optional and at an additional cost which will vary and be detailed at the time.

Do I need a uniform?

We advise all new scouts to wait for a short while before purchasing a uniform but ideally we’d expect the beaver, cub or scout to be in full uniform at around 6 weeks of joining the section. 

Where can I buy uniform?

You can buy uniform from The Scout Shop: 


How do we communicate?

The majority of communication between group leaders and parents is by email via our Online Scout Manager system.  Our doors are also always open to parents at the start and end of meetings if there is anything urgent you need to discuss, don’t hesitate to pop in and see us.  Events will be updated on social media or our website. 

As a parent, how can I help?

It’s really important that our meetings start and finish on time, so please ensure that your young person arrives promptly and is collected on time.  We also like you to encourage them to take part in as many activities and challenges as possible to get the full benefit of scouting in whichever section they belong.  During camps, we enlist help from as many parents as possible to assist with moving and putting equipment away, especially at the end of a camp as our leaders are tired!

How are the beaver, cubs and scout badges earned?

Badges are awarded for taking part in activities and challenges.  Please visit the following links to see the badges available for each section:

What Awards are available?

By the time a beaver, cub, or scout completes their section, they should have completed enough activities and challenges to earn their Chief Scout Award. We also give awards to our young people throughout the year, or at our AGM (Annual General Meeting) evening which we encourage all parents and young people to attend.

How is the group structured?

Our scout group is lead by the Group Scout Leader, who works closely with the Beaver Scout Leader, Cub Scout Leader and Scout Leader to run a fun packed activity programme for our Young People.  We have a number of assistant leaders for each section and some Young Leaders who are transitioning from being group members to leaders.  The group is managed by an Executive Committee comprising a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary who also work closely with the Group Scout Leader to ensure efficient running of the group.  We are all volunteers who dedicate our time and our reward is the enjoyment of the young people.

What comes after Scouts?

When a young person reaches the age of 14½-years, they can move on to Explorers or Sea Explorers and a whole new adventure begins. Please ask your Scout Leader for details or get in touch.

I'd like to volunteer - how can I help?

We are always keen to receive extra help from volunteers. If you have an hour or two to spare on a regular basis, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch.